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Social Work Hub

Welcome Weaver Families! I am Annie Hodges, the school social worker. I go by Miss Annie or Mrs. H. I can help families with issues such as:

  • Mental health concerns for your student
  • School issues that involve your student 
  • Help with obtaining basic needs (food insecurity,   housing, medical, etc.)
  • Connecting your family with community resources

My hub has links for help with basic needs, mental health, and calming strategies. You can also reach out to me by google chat, text, phone or email if you need help with these issues.

Annie Hodges

Annie Hodges

Weaver Basic Needs image with two hands making a heart


Basic Needs

Please click on link above for community resouces including food resources, housing, mental health resources, etc. This information is routinely updated. 


Weaver Counseling and Crisis image with scrabbles tiles spelling out mental health


Counseling and Crisis

Click on the link below for information about resources for virutal, text or in person counseling.


image for Virtual Calming Room with rocks


Virtual Calming Room

Learn strategies to help when your child when feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
